Asphalt Advantages Shine at Highway 69 Rubblization Open House


Over 40 City, County, Consulting and IDOT engineers showed up for the Highway 69 Rubblization Open House held Tuesday, July 10th just north of the City of Ames. The Open house was a cooperative effort between the Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa, Manatts, Inc. and the Iowas Department of Transportation to highlight the use of rubblization as an effective tool for rehabilitating deteriorated PCC pavements. The eight-mile project consisted of milling off the existing asphalt, rubblizing the PCC pavement, placing a three-inch rock interlayer and three lifts of asphalt totaling eight inches.  


Attendees were able to witness all three stages of the project and recieve valuable insights from IDOT design and construction engineers. John Hart, IDOT Resident Engineer, and Duane Hassebrock, General Manager for Manatts, Inc., addressed the crowd about some of the difficulties that construction crews faced and the partnering that took place between the entities to solve the problems. Much of the discussion focused on how much to fracture or rubblize an already deteriorated PCC pavement and the benefits of using the rock interlayer as both a construction platform and a stress relief layer in the pavement. The advantages of using asphalt were highlighted by 100% of the milled asphalt being recycled into new asphalt paving and the quick construction of the road to get this important section of roadway back open to traffic.  An added bonus to the day included a trip across Story Co. road E18 that had been rubblized and overlaid in 1999.  Information and history was provided by Story County Engineer, Darren Moon. In addition, Mr. Moon compared the  E18 rubblization project to a crack and seat project paralleling the Hwy 69 project to the west. While both projects are performing well, the crack and seat road still has significant movement of the PCC slabs in the wintertime while the E18 had just had its first crack filled this spring after 13 years. 


Thank you to all our attendees. A special thanks to Duane Hassebrock, Steve Rooney, Craig Kalinay of Manatts, Inc. and their excellent paving crew; John Hart, Jesse Tibodeau, and Chris Brakke of the IDOT. Your efforts and cooperation helped make this open house both interesting and educational.


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